Tuesday, July 17, 2018



Cooperation (lat. Cooperatio = participation) describes a form of cooperation between two or more individuals, in which all parties benefit from the situation. Altruism is not part of the cooperation, since in altruism only one side benefits, while the other has a - albeit wanted - disadvantage.

Cooperation is found in nature among many animal species. People certainly show the most complex of all cooperative behavior. The transition from hominids living in small groups to populous civilization has only become possible through cooperation. Although modern man appeared 200,000 years ago, it took a long time before the first civilizations arose in Mesopotamia and Egypt (about 3000 BC). Cooperation is an important prerequisite for the emergence of civilizations. Living from the "hand to the mouth", as our ancestors did for most of the time, made the emergence of a great civilization impossible. If all individuals are occupied with their own food procurement on a daily basis, there is no time left for art, culture, technology and progress. Collaboration and the sharing of responsibilities (especially in food procurement!) Created the basis for the development of a society.

Forms of cooperation

The effective purpose behind cooperation is the mutual enhancement of biological fitness. Through cooperation, both individuals (or more) increase the likelihood of their own reproduction, ie the spread of their genes. This is not always immediately obvious. Joint hunting in groups or the union of many individuals for defense against predators, serves primarily not the reproduction, but the species conservation. The cooperating individuals live longer than those without cooperation, which significantly increases the likelihood of reproduction.

The intensity of the cooperation can vary greatly, from the rather accidental use, up to the necessary survival symbiosis:

 Loose union: e.g. Schools of fish or large animal herds. These groups are fairly open, i. new members can easily become part of the group. There is little or no genetic relationship among the animals. Often there are flocks and herds of different species (gazelle, gnu and zebra). In this defensive alliance, the probability of a predator falling victim is less, also because the animals warn each other of threats.

 Composite: e.g. Lions, monkeys and elephants. Composites are characterized by a fixed ranking. There is a partial genetic relationship between them. A compound usually consists only of similar animals.

 Animal state: e.g. Ants, bees and termites. There is a fixed distribution of tasks. At the head of the state is a queen who is constantly laying new eggs. Workers take care of the food, and women soldiers take care of the defense of the nest. Genetically, all individuals are related to each other.

 Symbiosis: e.g. Clownfish and sea anemone or alga and mushroom (lichen). Two alien species with frequent interaction. If both species can no longer survive without the other one also speaks of an eusymbiosis.


Cooperation is the collaboration between two or more individuals, which benefits all participants. Cooperation can also occur among alien animals, e.g. in symbioses.

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