Monday, July 9, 2018

Homo Erectus

Homo erectus - ancestor of man?

The Homo erectus is an extinct species of the genus Homo. Translated, Homo erectus (latin 'homo' = human, lat. 'Erigere' = straighten up) means 'erect man'. Fossil finds have a lifetime of nearly two million years (1.9 million - 70,000). Thus, the H. erectus that hominid species, which existed in geological history the longest. By comparison, Homo sapiens only appeared 200,000 years ago.

Homo erectus is believed to play a central role in human phylogeny. From Homo erectus, according to recent findings, homo neanderthalensis in Europe, Homo floresiensis in Asia, and Homo sapiens in Africa developed.

The first species Homo erectus also settled outside of Africa. The upright walk combined with long legs made it possible to overcome longer distances. Australopithecines and early forms of the genus Homo, e.g. Homo rudolfensis, on the other hand, still had significantly longer arms than legs and were therefore more adapted for a life in the dense forest.

In Africa, most of the fossil recordings were made in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, but also in Morocco and Algeria. Not for nothing is Africa called the cradle of humanity. In Europe and Asia, fossils were found in Spain and Georgia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, India and Java.

The first hominid Homo erectus dominated the fire at the latest from his departure from Africa. The significantly cooler climate in Central Europe would otherwise have hardly allowed successful settlement. The use of fire opened up completely different possibilities. Meat cooked in the fire is not only easier to digest but also free of harmful bacteria. Increase in meat consumption has also been a major factor in brain development, although not all developmental biologists have advocated this view and scientific coverage is still pending. And last but not least, an open fire has a preventive effect against wild predators and blood-sucking parasites.

On the cultural level, the genus Homo experienced a veritable push by the Homo erectus. For the first time small hunter-gatherer families formed, which should have triggered the emergence of language sustainably. Only closer cooperation, e.g. hunting together makes a language necessary. Tools such as hand-axes increased noticeably in their complexity. However, the brain volume was between 800 and 1200 cm³, which is almost the same as the brain volume of modern humans.

The subspecies of Homo erectus

The reason for the large number of previously discovered subspecies of Homo erectus on the one hand, the spread on different continents, which favors the allopatric species formation. On the other hand, Homo erectus is the longest-lived hominid species with almost two million years. Within such a long period of time, the formation of new species is almost certain due to the evolutionary factors of gene drift, mutation, selection, and recombination. The discovery of other subspecies of Homo erectus is therefore considered very likely.

 Homo erectus erectus (Java human)
 Homo erectus yuanmouensis (Yuanmou human)
 Homo erectus lantianensis (Lantian human)
 Homo erectus nankinensis (Nanjing human)
 Homo erectus pekinensis (Peking Man)
 Homo erectus palaeojavanicus (Meganthropus)
 Homo erectus soloensis (solo human)
 Homo erectus tautavelensis (Tautavel human)
 Homo erectus georgicus (Dmanisi-human)

Profile: Homo erectus

Genus: Homo
Type: H. erectus
Name: lat. 'Homo' = human; lat. 'erigere' = to straighten up
First record?
Period: 1.9 million - 70,000 (Pleistocene)
Height: 1.4 - 1.8m
Weight: 50 - 70kg
Distribution: Africa, Europe, Asia
Brain volume: 800 - 1200cm³
Food: fruits, seeds, roots, meat
Tool use: Yes
Upright gear: Yes


The extinct species Homo erectus lived about 1.9 million to 70,000 years ago in Africa, Europe and Asia. It was very likely that the species H. floresiensis, H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens emerged from it.

At nearly two million years, no other hominid survived as long as Homo erectus.

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