Monday, July 9, 2018

Theory of evolution Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck (Born August 1, 1744, December 28, 1829)

The botanist and zoologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck developed his own theory of evolution at the beginning of the 19th century, long before Charles Darwin. The theory used today under the term "Lamarckism" is based on the basic assumption that animals can pass on their properties, which they have acquired in the course of their lives, to their descendants. Lamarck justified his view with the environmental conditions, which cause in the animals, so to speak, an inner need for adaptation.

The most common example to illustrate the theory of Lamarck is the development of the neck of the giraffe. The habitat of the giraffe in the African steppes is dry and the supply of plant-based food is limited. For generations, the giraffe had to stretch for food in higher-lying areas of the trees, which lengthened the length of the neck. From generation to generation, the giraffes passed on their newly acquired neck length.

The scheme would look like this:

Need of living beings to adapt -> use of organs leads to stronger education -> acquired characteristics are passed on.

Lamarck's theory from today's perspective:

From today's point of view, Lamarckism is refuted because the genetic material would have to change accordingly. However, this is not the case since the genes do not change as a result of the use or disuse of organs.


Inner urge of animals to adapt (impulse to perfection)
Use or non-use of organs leads to greater severity or to their regression

Acquired characteristics are passed on
From a scientific point of view, Lamarckism is refuted

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